Tag: Netflix (page 8 of 24)

Back On Track


The holidays can throw everybody for a loop. I’m no different. Travel schedules, inclement weather and other factors unique to this time of year tend to play havoc with routines and timetables. Things have started to normalize a bit and it’s time I took a bit of stock of where I am now and where I’m heading.


Citizen in the Wilds is out for test reading. I’m eager to get some reaction and feedback, even if it takes the form of “CHANGE EVERYTHING ‘CAUSE IT SUCKS.” I’ve started compiling and expanding some notes I’ve jotted down on the next Acradea book. I’m going to edit The Jovian Gambit for this Saturday’s Free Fiction, and after that? I’m not sure. Possibly a hard-boiled Cthulhu detective story in the style of C.J. Hendersen, or perhaps a sequel to Akuma. I’m also getting back in the habit of writing for my Warcraft characters, both on forums and in the game proper.


The feedback on the first ICFN video has been generally positive, if somewhat cautious. I’m somewhat trepidatious myself, if I’m honest. I think I’m going to shoot for a new video every month and traditional audio enties in the intervening weeks. The poll will return for those audio entries, and as for the videos, I have a few films in mind. Stay tuned.

Dungeons & Dragons

Everybody in the group’s been a little off their game, no pun intended. We’ll be resuming our normal schedule of Tuesday night games, which means I’ll be returning to posting the adventures (or misadventures) of Andrasian, Krillorien, Lyria and Melanie on Tuesday afternoons. After this current printed advneture (Reavers of Harkenwold from the Dungeon Master Kit) I may move them into homegrown content rather than shoehorning Caern of the Winter King from the Monster Vault into the campaign. Or Wizards might have worked a smooth transition in already. More to come on this.

Magic: the Gathering

The local comic/gaming store has free casual play on Thursday nights, $5 FNM events on Fridays and special events like previews of the upcoming expansion Mirrodin Besieged. Attending paid events is a matter of my entertainment budget, and considering it’s something I enjoy alone and the entertainment budget must cover activies for both my wife and myself, it’s hard for me to justify the expense at this time. And I tend to watch my ICFN audio entries the Thursday night before I post the review. There’s simply not enough time, usually. Again, more to come.

World of Warcraft

Cataclysm has rekindled my interest and enjoyment of this game even more than I’d expected. Between the new areas, the promise of dungeons being challenging again (until the next nerf hits) and the resurgence of interaction with guild mates, this game is the other reason I’ll likely have less time for other activities. However, since I play it with my wife as we have since we’ve met, it’s a much more comfortable expense to work into our slender budget.

Classholes Anonymous Podcast

This is more dependant on Black Eagle’s band schedule than anything else.

This Blog

I plan to keep updating every day. Sometimes I’ll have a notion in mind for days before I post it, and some days – like today – I’m stumped up until lunchtime. Comes from everything else on this list as well as the day job and the other responsibilities of adulthood, I guess.

Until I rebel.

Courtesy Hyperbole and a Half

IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Emperor’s New Groove VIDEO

At last… IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! as I’ve envisioned it.

Please provide feedback, comments and criticisms. I want to make this series better.

Also, if there’s a way to make this player default to 360p, I’d love to find it. 240p is icky.

Have A Plan

Courtesy Disney

I think part of the problem with the previous deadlines for my upcoming video project was I didn’t establish any guidelines for what to do before the deadline hit. So let’s fix that, shall we? It should make the week to come more organized and the overall project a bit less intimidating.

Today I will re-record the audio. It will be of better quality, have a slightly different ending and be paced so I can match the screenshots with the narrative easily.

Monday I’ll be downloading appropriate screencaps from the film. If I can’t find something I need from it, I do have the DVD on loan from a friend so I can grab one the old-fashioned way.

Tuesday will find me downloading other images, such as actor portraits, pictures of the directors and other such things. I’ll also be making sure I have Premiere set up for the proper resolution for YouTube.

Wednesday I’ll work on my avatars, which will be appearing along with the screencaps and other images, as well as other touches such as the intro sequence. I don’t know yet if I’ll be opening directly with the Blue Ink Alchemy logo, or going right into the ICFN intro.

Thursday is when put it all together. Pretty straightforward.

I hope you all are excited as I am to see the end product and for me to stop putting it off.

48 Hour Hiatus


It’s been a long, long year.

I’ve maintained a schedule for most of that year, with posts every day and Netflix every Friday. I want to move the thing forward to its next logical step, but that requires time and energy. Most of the last couple weeks, I haven’t had the time. Today? I just don’t have the energy.

I’m taking a break here, guys. Not a long one, not more than a couple days. Just stepping away from pushing myself to hit these deadlines as much as I have. I’m not quitting, and I still have big plans for the new year, I just need to throttle back a bit for the next, say, 48 hours or so.

So, no ICFN this week. New fiction tomorrow will be available in the post at first, and I’ll update the Free Fiction page when my moritorium on blogging ends.

I hope everybody has a safe & happy New Year celebration, and I’ll see you on the other side.

Full Burners

Caveman Needs
Courtesy Terribleminds

The best way for me to avoid feeling the doldrums of both the season and my situation are to stay busy. I throw myself into my writing during the commute and immerse myself in games and other media while I’m home. Yes, I’m an awful procrastinator when it comes to chores because of this. No, I don’t see it changing any time soon. As Dave Barry puts it, “I’ll mature when I’m dead.”

Citizen in the Wilds is closer and closer to completion. Sooner or later, you as a writer have to draw a line in the sand and say “This is where I stop. This is where I shop it out. This is where I dress up the draft, put on my best makeup and hit the street corner.” Otherwise you’ll be revising and editing until you’re 85 and mumbling into your porridge about protagonist motivations and plot twists. So by the end of the year… Saturday… the fourth (and final?) draft will be done, and I’ll be sending it to agents and test readers alike.

(Yeah, that’s a plug, let me know if you want to be a test reader for the final product.)

This means that Free Fiction might go without an update on the 1st, though I have entertained the idea of putting just the first chapter of Citizen out as a PDF for your reading pleasure. The only other idea I’ve managed to maintain is related to Magic: the Gathering and unless I manage to sell it to Wizards of the Coast, it’d be fan fiction. And I don’t want to waste your time with fan fiction if I can avoid it.

The other other self-imposed deadline toward which I’m hurtling is for the video version of IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! featuring The Emperor’s New Groove. Hopefully this evening I can test a different solution for clip capture. If it doesn’t work I may have to resort to a slideshow style presentation, which strikes me as boring. Still, it would be better than nothing. We’ll see how the next pair of evenings fall together.

I am definitely taking New Year’s Eve off.

…Which means I should probably write those posts in advance if I can.


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